Tuesday, March 7, 2017

A Biophillic City

biophilia |bʌɪə(ʊ)ˈfɪlɪə|
noun [mass noun]

(according to a theory of the biologist E. O. Wilson) an innate and genetically determined affinity of human beings with the natural world. 

Many philosophers and psychologists alike, study the relationship between man and nature. Is it essential, how does a connection with nature benefit an individual? 

Speculations have been made that an urban oasis, such as a nature conservancy area, garden space, park, or waterfront, can reduce mental turbulence and have a calming impact on people. 

Studies have developed to prove a positive correlation between both physical and mental health when people live in close proximity to green spaces. To bolster this fact, a Swedish study discovered that people who spend more time in parks are less likely to report stress related illnesses, and show a greater physical well being. This finding supports the idea that many urban planners, such as Jane Jacobs, have been infamous for stating: the design of our cities is a keystone component in citizen health. 

Western societies and known for being rich in western diseases, some of these conditions are diabetes, heart disease, obesity, amongst others. Several of these unfortunate convictions can be caused from peoples' lifestyle choices. 

The theory that open spaces and inviting, lively streets, scattered with green, get people out of their homes and into their streets may be one that physicians should look into. Urban design, clean, air, and overall, walkable cities are quintessential for laying the ground frame for a healthy people.

A biophillic city is one that is alive, one that moves with the people.Trees decorate the streets, people utilize them, native animal and bird species have usable, and healthy in the area. Human waste is mitigated, people recognize the importance of material cycles, and that no resource is infinite. A general sense of stewardship is felt in a biophillic community, people feel responsible for maintaining these places, in part because they adore them, and they cherish their connections with the natural world. 

The integration of sustainable practices and designs that fuse with plant and animal life, are responses to a general admiration that people feel towards their communities and cities. A love of place is essential for people to enhance their cities, and lift them up to a shared state of biophilia. 

An excellent example of a place where people feel great pride in the preservation of nature in their cities is Singapore. People have developed pathways that run through forests, and have implemented living, green walls in several of their sky scrapers. A hospital is decorated with life, the abundances of plants attracts butterflies, birds, and even people who aren't patients. This city can serve as a case study for those who question the idea that healthy people come from healthy cities. Aside from the mitigation of toxins in the air through the added flora, people are more inclined to utilize their sidewalks, parks, and water front. The integration of plants in this human environment have also inspired teachers and children of the area to explore just how nature operates, and how humans can benefit from these critical natural responses. 

Inhabitants of Singapore are proud of the health and vibrancy of their city. 

Pictured above: man made trees that collect water, as well as solar energy, provide people with a light show at night, and are intertwined with living plants. 

This park, Garden by the Sea, has now become an iconic destination to tourists and locals alike. Its beauty and embodiment of the relationship between people and nature has made an impact on urban designers world wide. 

This is one example of the many gardens that litter the city. Others include a "Flower Dome," an indoor garden near the Garden by the Sea, which is pictured below. 

In a city where magnificent design meets ecological sensibility, it is hard not to be taken back by its beauty and grandeur. 

What can we do in here America, to liven our cities, and promote better human health?

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